We’re continuing to adhere to government advice by recording at home, and we’re making some fantastic content in the process!
With most football not returning for the foreseeable future, we’ve been digging into the archives to revisit some of our favourite moments from past seasons, for brand new episodes of At The Match.
On the latest episode, Andy Brassell offers a taste of one of the most intense atmospheres in world football, as he describes attending 2018’s Serie A blockbuster weekend. This episode features his conversation with coach and pundit Kevin Cauet, who tells us what it means to be a part of the Inter family and how the fans have managed to keep the club going through leaner times. He also talks about his father Benoit, who signed for the Nerrazzurri in 1997, and recounts his tales of training with Ronaldo and Roberto Baggio.
If you’re missing football as much as we are, this is the perfect time to get stuck into some brilliant historic football!

Meanwhile, Laura Kirk and Laura Gallop have thrown themselves into lockdown life, releasing a bonus ‘Isolation Diaries’ episode every Friday. Whether it’s Tiger King, Strava fails, or a bunch of celebrities singing ‘Imagine’, the Lauras are picking it apart and giving us their opinions.
On today’s episode, as news of the lockdown exit strategy appears to loom closer, they’re musing about what life will look like post coronavirus. Will our obsession with puzzles persist? Will we keep spending our Saturday nights having virtual pub sessions? And will we finally stop telling ourselves we're going to learn a language?
Plus, this week’s Blockbuster Friday is jumping on board with BBC’s latest smash drama, Normal People. There’s some chat about why it’s been so popular, and of course, Connell's infamous tiny necklace.
These isolation diaries are the perfect tonic after weeks of being stuck in the house eating banana bread and avoiding your friends on Zoom, so get involved!

Finally, The Luke and Pete Show has been getting even weirder, if that was possible. Luke’s even taken the time to taste a Nintendo Switch game. No matter how bored you are, please don’t follow his example.
Last week, Pete turned thirty-nine! As a birthday treat, Thursday’s episode featured an email about a red fireman’s thong, a story about a man experiencing a particularly bad midlife crisis and tales from Pete’s days working at the zoo. Whilst on the latest episode, the boys were talking about how Elon Musk managed to wipe $14bn off Tesla’s value with a single tweet, as well as what they would do if they swapped bodies for the day. In the words of Luke, the results of this were ‘chilling’.
Whether you want to throw yourself into the lockdown with the Revisiting girls, or you want to forget about it by transporting yourself to some past football glory, we’ve got tonnes of brilliant episodes for you to listen to!