On the latest episode of Ramble Meets, Luke met West Ham midfielder Julia Simic. She gave some incredible insight into her fifteen-year career, spent across teams such as Bayern Munich and FFC Turbine Potsdam as well as the German national side.
She told us what it was like growing up with a burning desire to excel as a footballer when there weren’t any girls’ teams in her area, how she overcame not one, but two, ACL injuries and used the platform to call for the continued need for improved facilities in women’s football.
Julia also talked about the role social media has played in popularising the women’s game and in raising the profile of female footballers, offering role models for young aspiring athletes looking to get involved in the sport.
All that and a great deal more was covered in the interview, so be sure you don’t miss it!

Meanwhile, Clash of the Titles have hit 25 episodes! For their silver anniversary, Alex, Chris and Vicky pitted Danny Boyle’s 90s flick Shallow Grave head-to-head with A Simple Plan, answering the question at the forefront of everyone’s minds: ‘Would you rather find a bag full of money in the wintery Minnesota woods, or a thoughtfully appointed three-bedroomed house?’
As ever, only one film can reign victorious, so which of these crime thrillers will win the coveted Clash crown this week? And, after you've listened to that one, head back through the archive to hear the guys' thoughts on loads more movies, including The Silence of the Lambs, Airplane and Robin Hood.

Finally, Revisiting’s Laura Gallop interviewed award-winning journalist & author of ‘In Search Of Silence’, Poorna Bell. Poorna shared some hilarious memories about her childhood, including bunking off school to get a dodgy tattoo and holding vigils for boys outside HMV in Bromley.
Poorna was incredibly open, sharing all sorts of memories from her childhood, including what it was like when she moved from India to Maidstone as a child in the 90s before reading us an extract from her explosive teenage diary!
And, following on from an article Poorna wrote for Stylist, Laura also asked her about her experiences with colourism, and how businesses could be doing more to diversify their teams, their campaigns and the products they have to offer.
This episode manages to be both hilarious and poignant, and don't forget the new season of Revisiting launches next Monday! Make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss an episode…